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A smiling individual with curly blonde hair and glasses, wearing a brown turtleneck and plaid overalls, against a vibrant purple background. Text overlay reads “Course: Boosting productivity with body doubling,” highlighting Tiimo’s video course led by Beaux Miebach.
November 3, 2023

Boost focus with body doubling (video)

Body doubling is a simple yet powerful way to improve focus and productivity, especially for neurodivergent people. In this video, our Inclusion and Belonging Lead, Beaux Miebach, breaks down the science and shares tips to help you build lasting routines.

Beaux Miebach

Beaux (they/them) is Tiimo’s Inclusion and Belonging Lead and an AuDHD coach, developing courses and events informed by research and lived experience to support neurodivergent folks across intersections.

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Lesson 1: Welcome to body doubling

Kick off the course with an overview of what body doubling is, why it’s so effective, and what you’ll gain from these lessons.

Lesson 2: The science behind focus

Dive into the fascinating psychology of social facilitation and learn why working alongside others can supercharge productivity.

Lesson 3: Body doubling in action

Get step-by-step methods and practical tips for setting up effective body doubling sessions that fit your needs.

Lesson 4: Turning tips into habits

Learn how to transform body doubling into a consistent practice, building routines that help you stay focused long after the course.

Next steps: Keep the momentum going

Explore more courses on our website, or take your planning on the go by downloading the app to keep building skills wherever you are.

This article was updated in December 2024 to provide the most current and accurate information.

A person holding a smartphone displaying Tiimo’s Focus Timer, set for a weekly meeting, while carrying two takeaway coffee cups in a tray, illustrating productivity on the go.

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November 3, 2023

Boost focus with body doubling (video)

Body doubling is a simple yet powerful way to improve focus and productivity, especially for neurodivergent people. In this video, our Inclusion and Belonging Lead, Beaux Miebach, breaks down the science and shares tips to help you build lasting routines.

Beaux Miebach

Beaux (they/them) is Tiimo’s Inclusion and Belonging Lead and an AuDHD coach, developing courses and events informed by research and lived experience to support neurodivergent folks across intersections.

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Lesson 1: Welcome to body doubling

Kick off the course with an overview of what body doubling is, why it’s so effective, and what you’ll gain from these lessons.

Lesson 2: The science behind focus

Dive into the fascinating psychology of social facilitation and learn why working alongside others can supercharge productivity.

Lesson 3: Body doubling in action

Get step-by-step methods and practical tips for setting up effective body doubling sessions that fit your needs.

Lesson 4: Turning tips into habits

Learn how to transform body doubling into a consistent practice, building routines that help you stay focused long after the course.

Next steps: Keep the momentum going

Explore more courses on our website, or take your planning on the go by downloading the app to keep building skills wherever you are.

This article was updated in December 2024 to provide the most current and accurate information.

A person holding a smartphone displaying Tiimo’s Focus Timer, set for a weekly meeting, while carrying two takeaway coffee cups in a tray, illustrating productivity on the go.

Ready to simplify your planning?

Start your 7-day free trial and experience the benefits of simplified time management and focus.

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Boost focus with body doubling (video)
November 3, 2023

Boost focus with body doubling (video)

Body doubling is a simple yet powerful way to improve focus and productivity, especially for neurodivergent people. In this video, our Inclusion and Belonging Lead, Beaux Miebach, breaks down the science and shares tips to help you build lasting routines.

Georgina Shute

Georgina is an ADHD coach and digital leader. She set up KindTwo to empower as many people as possible to work with Neurodiversity - not against it.

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Lesson 1: Welcome to body doubling

Kick off the course with an overview of what body doubling is, why it’s so effective, and what you’ll gain from these lessons.

Lesson 2: The science behind focus

Dive into the fascinating psychology of social facilitation and learn why working alongside others can supercharge productivity.

Lesson 3: Body doubling in action

Get step-by-step methods and practical tips for setting up effective body doubling sessions that fit your needs.

Lesson 4: Turning tips into habits

Learn how to transform body doubling into a consistent practice, building routines that help you stay focused long after the course.

Next steps: Keep the momentum going

Explore more courses on our website, or take your planning on the go by downloading the app to keep building skills wherever you are.

This article was updated in December 2024 to provide the most current and accurate information.

Learn more

AuDHD는 자폐성과 ADHD가 만나는 지점입니다. 이 신경 유형들이 어떻게 상호작용하는지, 왜 진단이 어려운지, 그리고 자폐성 ADHD인이 세상을 어떻게 살아가는지를 알아보세요.
February 12, 2025

AuDHD | 자폐성과 ADHD를 모두 가진다는 것의 의미

자폐성과 ADHD를 동시에 가지고 있다면? 그것이 바로 AuDHD입니다. 이 가이드는 AuDHD가 무엇인지, 자폐성과 ADHD가 어떻게 상호작용하는지, 그리고 자폐성 ADHD인이 세상을 어떻게 살아가는지를 설명합니다.

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February 4, 2025

음식, ADHD 및 과집중 | 왜 항상 같은 음식을 먹을까?

항상 같은 음식을 먹나요? 식사를 잊어버리나요? 요리가 부담스럽나요? ADHD와 함께하는 식습관을 더 쉽게 만드는 팁을 제공합니다.

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스마트폰, 태블릿, 스마트워치, 데스크톱에서 사용 가능한 Tiimo 앱을 보여주는 이미지. 깔끔한 보라색 테마의 인터페이스에 ‘주간 회의’, ‘집중 시간’ 등의 일정과 원형 타이머가 표시되어 시간 관리와 집중 지원 기능을 강조합니다.
January 22, 2025

2025년 삶을 더 쉽게 만들어 줄 최고의 ADHD 앱

집중이 어렵거나 시간이 순식간에 사라지는 느낌인가요? ADHD 친화적인 이 앱들은 당신이 직접 조절할 수 있도록 돕고, 계획을 세우고, 정리하며, 부담 없이 원하는 방식으로 할 일을 끝낼 수 있도록 지원합니다!

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