How to stay on task with ADHD as an adult at work
This post explores strategies to enhance productivity and job satisfaction for adults with ADHD in the workplace, including organizing daily tasks, body doubling, reframing task execution, mixing up routines, limiting distractions, prioritizing tasks, practicing mindfulness, planning ahead, using digital planners, and creating healthy boundaries.
Nik Hobrecker | On being your own boss and creating content as an ADHD’er
In this episode, we talk to creator and founder Nik Hobrecker (he/him) about his ADHD journey, how he sets himself up for success as a content entrepreneur, and the intersection of mental wellbeing and neurodiversity.
Delvene Pitt | On being a Black Dyslexic ADHD’er in the Performing Arts
In this episode, we talk to puppeteer and actress Delvene Pitt (she/her) about her award-winning puppetry company Little Crowns Storyhouse, how she uses puppeteering to teach history and science to children, and how she’s navigated the performing arts industry as a Black dyslexic ADHD’er.
Charli Clement | On disability as a neutral term and navigating multiple diagnoses
In this episode, we talk to activist and writer Charli Clement (they/she) about navigating the UK healthcare system as a neurodivergent and chronically ill person and why we need to pivot towards a more intersectional and holistic approach to neuroinclusion.
Izzie Chea | On neuroinclusion in the Latine community and neurodivergent parenting
In this episode, we talk to founder, activist, and parent Izzie Chea (she/her) about growing up neurodivergent in a Latine household, what her journey towards understanding and celebrating her neurodivergence looked like, and how she navigates parenting as a neurodivergent mom.
Paff Evara | On the importance of intersectional advocacy and using tech for good
In this episode, we talk to neurodivergent creator and founder Paff Evara (they/them) about their media company Take Up Space, the power of decentralized blockchain technology, and the importance of inclusive and intersectional activism.
Ellie Middleton | On building neurodivergent community & advocating for your needs
In this episode we talk to neurodivergent entrepreneur Ellie Middleton (she/her) about the process of founding a community for neurodivergent folks, how she’s navigated hustle culture, and what it takes to show up authentically in your work.